Type: Tuber.
Bloom: Wide range including shades of pink, rose, yellow, gold, salmon, tangerine, and white.
Size: 12”-18” H x 12″ W.
Light: Full sun.
Soil: Moist, well drained sandy soil; do not let the soil dry out; cease watering when the foliage turns yellow and the plant goes into dormancy.
Fertilizer: Fertilize regularly while blooming.
Hardiness: Zones 8-10.
Care: Allow foliage to ripen after flowering ceases until leaves are yellow and die back. Foliage may then be removed. Dead head regularly to sustain bloom.
Pests and Diseases: Aphids, birds.
Propagation: Divide tubers.
Outstanding Selections: R. asiaticus ‘Tecolote Giants’ (18”) ; Blooming dale stain is shorter (10”).
Comments: Each tuber can produce 5 or 6 dozen flowers up to 4 at a time throughout the season so pick as many flowers as you want because picking them stimulates the plant to produce more. The flowers are absolutely gorgeous and have a long vase life.