This is one of those “WOW” plants mainly because of its unique and striking foliage. The coarse leaves are greenish white with green veins and add as much to the border as the bright yellow, daisy-like flowers that are borne for weeks during the summer. The plant is compact and bushy, growing to 2-3′ tall, and makes an excellent mid – to back of the border plant. The stems are stiff and seldom need staking unless grown in less than ideal light. Both the foliage and flowers are good in arrangements.
Type: Herbaceous perennial
Bloom: Yellow daisy-like flowers 2-3” across are borne on stiff stems from mid-summer to frost.
Foliage: Greenish white ovate to lanceolate leaves with green veins.
Size: 2-3’ H x 1-2’ W
Light: Full sun
Soil: Average, dry to medium, well-drained; tolerates a wide range of soils.
Hardiness: Zones 3-9
Care: Deadhead to encourage blooming
Pests and Diseases: None of significance; susceptible to aphids
Propagation: Division
Companion plants: ‘Rozanne’ crainsbill, balloonflower, daylilies, asters, garden phlox.