One of the most beautiful of all bamboos, umbrella bamboo is non-invasive and features a weeping habit. The arching stems (culms) are blue green at first but mature to yellow-green and form tight, neat clumps. The small, pointed, mid-green leaves are longer than they are wide (3” x .4”) and move with the slightest breeze. In the autumn, some of the older leaves turn buttery yellow and fall. The plant does very well in containers and makes an excellent hedge or specimen. It is considered a cool weather bamboo and does not do well in the heat and humidity of Southeastern United States. Several cultivars are available that vary in size, compactness, leaf size and vigor.
Type: Bamboo
Outstanding Features: Weeping habit
Form: Weeping
Growth Rate: Moderate to rapid
Bloom: Not applicable
Size: 10-14’ H x 13’’ W
Light: Full sun to light shade
Soil: Moderately fertile, moist, well-drained
Hardiness: Zones 5-9
Care: Low maintenance
Pests and Diseases: None of significance
Propagation: Division; root cuttings in spring
Outstanding Selections:
‘Bimbo’ (small leaves; 6.2’ tall)
‘Simba’ (very compact; 8’ tall)
‘Jumbo’ (broad leaves, very vigorous)