Native to North Africa, this bushy cool weather annual is a member of the aster family, Asteraceae, that also includes sunflower, yarrow, and lettuce.  Plants grow 2-3′ tall and have somewhat succulent pinnately divided leaves with linear lobes.  The flowerheads are 2-2.5″ wide and have white ray flowers with a yellow ring at the base forming a circle around the disc flowers that are usually purple.  Flowering starts in the summer lasts about 8 weeks, and ends in the early fall.  Cultivars are available that vary most significantly in height, fullness, and color.  Tricolor daisy is a good choice for wildflower gardens and cutting gardens.  The genus name, Chrysanthemum, comes from the Greek words chrysos meaning gold and anthos meaning flower and refers to the bright yellow color of at least one of the species.  The specific epithet, carinatum, is the Latin word meaning having a keel.

Type: Annual

Bloom: Flowerheads of white ray flowers with yellow band at base around purple disc flowers from summer into fall for 8 weeks

Size: 2-3′ H x 2′ W

Light:Full sun

Soil:Average, medium moist, well-drained

Hardiness: Not relevant; plants do best in cool dry summers.

Care: Pinch to encourage bushiness; may need staking

Pests and Diseases:None of significance

Propagation: Seed

Companion Plants: Mexican feather grass, blue mist shrub, Russian sage, golden rod

Outstanding Selections:

‘Dunnetti’ (mix of single and double flowers banded with red, purple, or yellow, 2′ tall)

‘German Flag’ ((scarlet flowers with yellow band)

Merry Mix (flowers similar to ‘Dunnetti’,  2-3′ tall )

‘Monarch Court Jesters’  (large flowers, 2′ tall)

‘Northern Star’ (white flowers with yellow bands)

‘Polar Skies'( cream colored flowers)




By Karen