Growing Plants from Seed: Zinnia (Zinnia elegans)
Zinnia are warm weather annuals native to Central America, Mexico, and southwestern US. They are grown for their intensely colored flowers which are held singly on long stems. Flowers may…
Zinnia are warm weather annuals native to Central America, Mexico, and southwestern US. They are grown for their intensely colored flowers which are held singly on long stems. Flowers may…
Hardening is the term used to describe the process of gradually exposing young seedlings grown indoors to the rigors of outdoor living in the garden. When plants are grown in…
Sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum) is an annual native to India but is more closely associated with Italian food. Most basils available in the US belong to the species basciliucum with…
Cucumbers are in the same family as squash and melons but do not cross with them. Different varieties of cucumbers, however, will cross pollinate with each other and if you…
Marigolds are mostly warm weather annuals native to the Americas with yellow, orange, and rusty red flowers and finely cut pungent foliage. They may be small (six inches), medium (twelve…
Parsley is a biennial native to the Mediterranean area where it grows wild from Sardinia east to Lebanon. It is usually grown as an annual by those who just want…
Bachelor’s button is a cool weather annual native to Europe where it was a common weed in corn fields and hence acquired the common name cornflower. The species is has…
Petunias are tender perennials native to South America but grown as annuals. They belong to the tomato family (Solonacea) that also includes tobacco, peppers, and eggplant. There are about twelve…
Many seeds are viable a lot longer than you might think. For example, seeds of lettuce, cucumbers, eggplant, radish, cabbage, spinach, and musk melon are good for five years if…
Seeds need water in order to germinate yet some seeds have tough seed coats that prevent moisture from penetrating. The tough seed coat is a protection against early germination that…