Los Angeles Arboretum, Arcadia, CAThe 127 acres of the Arboretum are divided into five botanical sections: Africa, Australia, The Americas, Asiatic, and the Historic Circle. The plant collections include daylilies, palms, bamboo, herbs, native oaks, and aquatic plants. A flock of 200 peafowl are interesting and entertaining. Movie buffs will be interested in the fact that many movies, as well as TV shows and commercials have been shot in the Arboretum including Tarzan and the Apes, Bomba the jungle Boy, On the Road to Singapore, Safari, and Jurassic Park, to name just a few. On the westward side of the lake is the Queen Anne Cottage that was used in the opening credits of the TV show Fantasy Island.
Admissions is $7 but parking is free. Open daily except Christmas from 9-5 but admissions closes at 4:30.