Also called goosefoot, fat-hen and pigweed, this weedy annual is not much to look at but is grown extensively in India as a food. The plants rapidly grow into a bushy pyramid up to 6′ tall and have upward branching stems with white dusted, green-blue, triangular leaves and spikes of yellow-green flowers. The flowers bloom from early summer to fall and give rise to an abundance of one seeded fruits. The leaves, shoots, flowers and seeds may be eaten but contain oxalic acid so should be cooked or eaten in small quantities. The seeds are high in protein and several minerals but also contain saponins which are potentially toxic. The Internet has many recipes using lamb’s quarters such as lamb’s quarter spread, stuffed mushrooms, and quarter dock crackers.
Type: Annual
Height: Up to 6′
Bloom Color: Yellowish green
Bloom Time: Early summer to fall
Light: Full sun
Soil: Fertile to average, medium moist, well-drained
Hardiness: Not Applicable
Photo Credit: Wikipedia