There are few flowers in the garden that are as cute as the black and white blooms of panda face ginger. They peak through the foliage at ground level and may be hidden by the heart-shaped leaves but are well worth a search. The flowers are about 2″ wide and are fleshy, trumpet-shaped, and smell like mushrooms. The leaves are shiny, evergreen, and up to 3″ long. The plant grows in rhizomatous clumps in low elevations forest in it native China and is a good choice for a woodland garden but does well in containers too.
Type: Herbaceous perennial
Height: 3-6″
Bloom Color : Black and white
Bloom Time: SpringS
Light: Part to deep shade
Soil: Fertile, humusy, moderately moist, well-drained
Hardiness: Zones 7-9
Photo Credit Wikimedia Commons