Toad flax might not be the star of the show in any garden but it adds a lot of charm even growing in lean dry soil. True, it is a rambunctious plant and will need some contraints on its spread but it sports its pretty yellow snap-dragon like flowers in dense spikes for about a month in mid to late summer and attracts butterflies, bees, and other insects. In addition it has a history of being a source of dye in colonial times and a medicinal herb then and now. Other names for the plant are butter and eggs, and wild snapdragon, but toad flax is perfect for a zoo garden and a good addition to a pasture, meadow, wildlife, butterfly or children’s garden.
Type: Herbaceous perennial
Height: 1-2′
Bloom Color: Pale yellow with bright orange bearded throat
Bloom Time: Mid summer into fall
Light: Full sun
Soil: Average to lean, medium moist to dry, well-drained
USDA Hardiness Zones: 3-9
Photo Credit: Wikipedia