Revive the garden in late summer to fall with the unusual orchid-like flowers of this herbaceous perennial. The 1 ‘ long flowers are carried singly or in clusters of 2-3 and have 6 whitish to purple tepals with purple spots. The plants grow 2-3’ tall and slowly forms clumps of arching, unbranched stems with light green leaves that are arranged in a ladder like pattern on the stem. Cultivars are available with white to pinkish flowers and with variegated foliage. Toad lily is a good choice for a shade or woodland garden placed so that the very unique flowers can be appreciated up close
Type: Herbaceous perennial
Bloom Color: Whitish to pale purple with dark purple spots
Bloom Time: Late summer into fall
Size: 2-3′ H x 1.5-2′ W
Light: Part to full shade
Soil: Average, humusy, medium to wet, well-drained, slightly acidic
Hardiness: Zones 4-8