Native to the tropical forests of eastern Brazil, this tender evergreen shrub is best grown in an indoor plant zoo of houseplants. Although it has beautiful foliage and striking, long lasting yellow bracted flowers, it is temperamental and is unlikely to produce flowers after the first ones fade. The large, glossy, dark green leaves with their prominent white veins resemble the coat of a zebra and will brighten up the interior of any room but you must provide the plant with temperatures over 65 F, high humidity, and just the right amount of water, Too little or too much water and the leaves will fall, the plant will become straggly and eventually perish.
Type: Tropical evergreen shrub
Height: 2-6′ but 2′ in container as houseplant
Bloom Color: Yellow
Bloom Time: Late summer to early fall
Light: Bright indirect light, partial shade
Soil: Average, consistently moist, -well drained
USDA Hardiness Zones:11-12
Photo Credit: Fanghong Wikipedia