Type: Large-flowered climber
Origin: Germany, 1994
Color: Cream with light pink center
Petal Number: Double (17-25)
Scent: Moderate, fruity
Comments: Being tested by the American Rose Society
Type: Hybrid tea
Origin: US, 1981
Color: Apricot or apricot blend
Petal Number: 25-30
Scent: Mild, sweet, tea
Comments: All American Rose Selection
Type: Floribunda
Origin: Germany, 1956
Color: Apricot or apricot blend
Petal Number: NA
Scent: NA
Type: Hybrid tea
Origin: France, 1957
Color: Dark red
Petal Number: Double (17-25)
Scent: Mild
Type: Hybrid tea
Origin: Scotland, 1973
Color: Red blend
Petal Number: NA
Scent: Strong
‘Peach Brandy’
Type: Miniature
Origin: US, 1978
Color: Apricot or apricot blend
Petal Number: 23
Scent: Strong
Comments: ARS rating 7.3