Type: Herbaceous perennial.
Bloom: Royal blue spikes in spring; crinkly foliage attractive the rest of the season.
Size: 4”-6” H x 9”-12” W.
Light: Grows best in part shade but tolerates considerable sun if given adequate water.
Soil: Prefers sandy, well drained soil but tolerates clay.
Fertilizer: Apply 10:10:10 granular fertilizer after blooming the first year.
Hardiness: Zones 5-9.
Care: Make sure the plants do not dry out while getting established but do not let them sit in wet conditions either.
Pests and Diseases: Rarely suffers infection from crown rot; reduce risk by planting in area with good air circulation.
Propagation: Short stolons are produced in Fall and division may be undertaken at any time.
Outstanding Selections: A. pyramidalis ‘Pink Beauty’ is a pink flowered cultivar with 4”-5” pink flower spikes.

Hi Karen, hopping over from twitter. I like this plant and I’m in zone 6b. Appreciate the feature – i’m collecting ideas for my future backyard makeover
Glad you like it too. I enjoy collecting various varieties of a ajuga and I buy new ones whenever they are available. Some do really well and other do not but all of those that do well are really a huge asset to my garden.
Just a query
I planted my Ajuga this Spring and they have florished well. However i have noticed a white dust appearance occuring on the leaves. If you ruffle the leaves it does come off gradually but looks like an infection? I think they are overcrowded with the growth but wanted some tips please. Any ideas what the white floury dust is?
Many thanks
White floury dust sounds like a fungus. Ajuga may develop a fungus especially if over crowded. You can divide the ajuga and/or spray with a contact fungicide. Ultimately, you are going to have to divide the ajuga to avoid fungus but you may not want to do it now in the heat. Hope that helps. Karen