Also called  golden lily, leek lily, wild onion, yellow onion weed, and native leek, this succulent perennial is a member of the Asphodelaceae that also includes aloe, torch lily (Kniphofia), and foxtail lily (Eremus).  It is endemic of Australia where it grows in dense colonies in a variety of habitats including forests, grasslands, rock crevices and areas where the soil is seasonally inundated. Plants have a bulblike corm that produces a tuft of narrow basal  gray-green leaves up to 16″ long .  The stary 1′ flowers are fragrant, bright yellow  and carried  in loose racemes of 50 on a slender scape up to 24″.  Each flower has  6 tepals and densely bearded stamen filaments.  Although each flower only blooms for a single day the plants remain in flower over a long time. Bulbine lily is a good choice for a cottage garden, rock garden, and containers.  It may be poisonous to livestock if eaten in large quantities.  The generic name, Bulbine, comes from the Greek word bolbos, meaning bulb and mistakenly refers to the reproductive structure of the plant which is actually a corm.  The specific epithet, bulbose, also refers mistakenly to the reproductive structure.

Type: Succulent perennial

Bloom: Loose raceme of starry yellow flowers with six tepals and densely bearded stamen filaments

Size: 18-24″ x 12″ W

Light:Full sun; tolerates some shade

Soil:Average, medium moist, well-drained

Hardiness: Zones 8-10

Care: Remove spent flower stalks

Pests and Diseases: None of significance

Propagation: Seed, division just before the rainy season, cuttings in spring

Companion Plants: Unavailable



Photo Credit: Wikipedia

By Karen