The reddish-brown flowers of this deciduous bush are loaded with a spicy fragrance that will fill the air with their pleasant aroma when they open in late spring. A native of the woodlands of southeastern United States, Carolina allspice is a great choice for a location near outdoor living areas, open windows, or screened porches where its distinctive fruity scent can be enjoyed, especially in the evening. In summer the lustrous 2-8 inch long leaves are dark green but change to yellow in the fall. They have a camphor or clove-like scent when crushed. The plants are bushy and spreading and easily naturalize by suckering to form colonies. Carolina allspice is welcome addition to a fragrance garden but is attractive as a specimen or in shrub borders . Individual plants vary in the intensity of their fragrance so buy a plant when in bloom so you can be sure of the scent.
Type: Deciduous flowering shrub
Outstanding Feature: Fragrant flowers in spring
Form: Upright, spreading, rounded; frequently wider than tall
Growth Rate: Slow
Bloom: Reddish-brown very fragrant flowers 2” across in spring.
Size: 4-7’ H x 4-7’ W
Light: Full sun to partial shade but denser and shorter in full sun
Soil: Fertile, moist, well-drained, pH adaptable
Hardiness: Zones 5-9
Care: Prune after flowering; may need to be rejuvenated by severe cut-back
Pests and Diseases: None of significance
Propagation: Seed; cuttings
Outstanding Selections: