This dwarf alpine shrub is evergreen and native to North America. It has flexible branches that form an attractive clump covered with tiny dark green lance-shaped, overlapping leaves. The white pendent flowers are bell-shaped and have red-brown calyces. They are produced in the leaf axils of the stem tips in spring. The roots need cool moist soil, which can be provided by mulching. Excellent plant for an open woodland or shady area of a rock garden.
Type: Evergreen flowering shrub
Outstanding Feature: White pendent flowers
Form: Clump
Growth Rate: Moderate
Bloom: Nodding white, bell-shaped, in spring
Size: 12” H x 12” W
Light: Partial shade; morning sun with afternoon shade
Soil: Humus rich, moist, well-drained, acid
Hardiness: Zones 2-6
Care: Mulch to maintain moisture and keep soil cool.
Pests and Diseases: Vine weevil
Propagation: Seed, semi-ripe cuttings in summer.