This semievergreen perennial is native to southeastern Alps where it grows in limestone rock crevices in subalpine to alpine zones. The plants are low growing and slowly form cushions two to three inches tall. The small oval leaves are glossy and mid-green. One to three lavender blue flowers are carried on the erect stems in summer, blooming for three to four weeks. Each tubular flower is closed on the end and appears pinched but admits insects for pollination. Considered choice by many plant collectors, crimped bellflower is an excellent choice for a rockery scree bed.
Type: Semievergreen perennial
Bloom: Tubular, lavender blue flowers, in summer for three to four weeks
Size: 2-3” H x 4” W
Light: Full sun to part sun
Soil: Very well-drained alkaline
Hardiness: Zones 5-7
Care: Remove flower buds for first two years
Pests and Diseases: Slugs, snails
Propagation: Seed subjected to cold treatment; softwood cuttings in early summer
Companion Plants: Corydalis solida, Iris histriodes, Iris reticulata, Cyclamen coum, Narcissus bulbocodium, Colchicum agrippinum, Sternbergia lutea.