Golden Alexander is a short lived herbaceous perennial and a member of the carrot family, Apiaceae, that also includes parsley, celery, and poison hemlock. It is a native native to open woods, floodplains, meadows, thickets, and prairies from Quebec and Saskatchewan, south to Florida and Texas. Plants grows 1.5’ to 3’ tall from a coarsely fibrous root system and have bight green hairless stems and compound biternate leaves with 3-5 toothed leaflets. In late spring tiny yellow flowers appear in terminal flat-topped umbels 2-3″ across. but unlike the flowers of other plants in the carrot family, the central flower of the umbel is stalkless. Although plants are short lived they reseed heavily. A good choice for a wildflower garden, meadow garden, or native plant garden. The genus name, Zizia, honors the German botanist Johann Baptist Ziz (1779-1829). The specific epithet, aurea, is the Latin word meaning golden and refers to the color of the flowers.
Type: Short-lived herbaceous perennial
Bloom: Umbels 2-3″ across of tiny yellow flowers in late spring
Size: 1.5-3′ H x 1.5-2′ W
Light: Sun to part sun
Soil: Average, medium moist, well-dained
Hardiness: Zones 3-8
Care: Low maintenance
Pests and Diseases: None of significance
Propagation: Seed
Companion Plants: Wild hyacinth, foxglove beardtongue, midland shooting star
Family: Apiaceae