Indian Pink is a clump-forming perennial native to southeastern US and parts of the Midwest where it thrives in moist woodlands. The glossy green leaves are lance-shaped to ovate, one to four inches long, and are borne opposite along wiry stems. The trumpet-shaped flowers are produced in June well above the foliage in one sided clusters. The red petals open to reveal the interior and form a yellow star. Each flower is 1.5 to 2” long, faces upwards and attracts hummingbirds. The plants are very adaptable and can live in very moist to dry soil in full sun to partial shade. Indian pink is an excellent choice for a native garden, woodland garden, or shade garden.
Type: Herbaceous perennial
Bloom: Upward facing, red trumpet-shaped flowers with yellow interiors are carried in one- sided clusters in June.
Size: 12-24” H x 6-18” W
Light: Full sun to partial shade; prefers some shade in the southern part of its range
Soil: Average, medium moist, well-drained but tolerates less
Hardiness: Zones 5-9
Care: Low maintenance
Pests and Diseases: None of significance
Propagation: Seed, root division
Companion plants: Large-leaves hosta, blue-eyed grass, pulmonaria, coralbells, Japanese hakone grass, native sedge.