Little Rascal holly grows in my secret garden; he was an impulse-buy but he was so darn cute I couldn’t resist. He is round and compact with small evergreen leaves and is very cold hardy, adding a fine texture to the garden in any season. In winter he may develop a deep purple color. He requires little maintenance and will be a pollinizer for other hollies. This is the perfect plant for a small garden that is enjoyed in all seasons.
Type: Evergreen shrub.
Outstanding Feature: Small evergreen leaves; fine texture; small size.
Form: Rounded.
Growth Rate: Slow.
Bloom: Inconspicuous small white/pink flowers in spring.
Size: 2’ High x 3’ Wide.
Light: Full sun to partial sun.
Soil: Average, well drained.
Fertilizer: Use a general purpose fertilizer in spring before growth begins.
Hardiness: Zones 5-9.
Care: Water when top 3” of soil is dry.
Pests and Diseases: None of importance.
Propagation: Cuttings only; this plant is patented and can not be reproduced legally.