Also known as Douglas’s meadowfoam, this fast growing annual is native to grassy wet areas of California and Washington, and is a member of a small plant family,  Limnanthaceae, consisting of only 8 species. The plant grows 6-12″ tall and has glossy, yellow-green leaves that are finely pinnately divided and fern like. The cup-shaped flowers appear from summer to fall on slender stalks in the upper leaf axils, well above the foliage. They are about 1″ across, usually white with yellow centers, and attract butterflies, hoverflies and bees. Attractive in borders and containers, poached egg plant is a good choice for wildlife, pollinator, and beneficial insects gardens. The genus name, Limnanthes, comes from the Greek words limne  meaning pool of standing water, marsh, or lake, and anthos meaning flower, referrring to the natural habitat of the plant. The specific epithet, douglasii, honors David Douglas,  Scottish explorer and botanist who worked on the west coast of America in the 1820s. Six varieties are available differing most significantly in geographic range, and petal color and number.

Type: Annual

Bloom: White flowers with yellow centers in summer and fall

Size: 6-12″ H x 6-12″ W

Light: Full sun to partial shade

Soil: fertile, moist, well-drained

Hardiness: Annual

Care: Deadhead to extend bloom time

Pests and Diseases: None of significance

Propagation: Seed in spring or autumn

Companion Plants: California poppy, love in the mist, creeping thyme

Outstanding Selections: Six varieties are available differing most significantly in geographic range, and petal color and number.

Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Type: Annual

Bloom: Usually 5 petals that are white with yellow centers, in

Size: 6-12″ H x 6-12″ W



Hardiness: Zones


Pests and Diseases:


Companion Plants:

Outstanding Selections:

By Karen