‘Iceberg’ is one of the world’s most popular and widely grown roses. No surprise there, because it has many attributes to recommend it. It is exceptionally hardy, yet does well in hot climates like Southern California where it blooms twelve months of the year. Long pointed buds often touched with green or pink open to double pure white fragrant flowers that last a long time on the bush or in a vase, with stamens retaining their color. Abundant clusters of three to fifteen flowers are produced in flushes and petals are dropped cleanly when the flowers fade. The plants are bushy with pale green stems bearing glossy, light green leaves and a scattering of prickles. Although black spot can be a problem in wet weather, ‘Iceberg’ is considered very disease resistant in dry climates. This is an excellent rose for hedges, specimen planting, containers, or massed bedding and is a popular exhibition rose.
Type: Floribunda
Origin: Kordes, Germany, 1959
Parentage: ‘Robin Hood’ x ‘Virgo’
Flower Size: 2.8”
Petal Count: 20-25
Scent: Light, sweet
Flowering: Flushes; twelve month in hot climates
Plant Size: 30”-5’
Hardiness: Zones 4 and warmer
ARS: 8.5
Awards: Baden-Baden GM 1958; NRS GM 1958; World’s Favorite Rose 1983.