The many petaled flowers are borne in clusters of five to twenty flowers and are at first pink before fading to white. The petals are often arranged around a small central green eye. The bushes are very vigorous and can be grown free standing but are more suitable for growing on a pillar. The slender arching canes are almost thornless and carry small pale green leaves. Although ‘Mme. Plantier is believed to be derived from a cross with a Noisette its hardiness is exceptional and, in fact, it needs a cool winter for best flowering.
Type: Alba-Noisette
Origin: Plantier, France, 1835
Parentage: Uncertain
Flower Size: 2.8”
Petal Count: Very double; up to 150 petals
Scent: Strong, musky
Flowering: Once only
Plant Size: 5-12’ H x 5-8’ W
Hardiness: Zones 4-9
ARS: 8.9