Shagbark hickory, a native of Eastern United states, can fulfill many roles in a garden. It is a tall, upright shade tree with picturesque and open branching habit. It has medium dense foliage that turns yellow in the fall and bears tasty nuts enjoyed by squirrels and chipmunks as well as human. When mature it has outstanding bark grayish brown which flakes off in loose, vertical plates. The wood is used as fuel because of its high heat value and long lasting steady heat. Charcoal made from hickory is used to give hickory-smoked flavors to food.
Type: Deciduous tree.

Size: 70’ H x 50’ W.
Light: Full sun-part sun.
Hardiness: To zone 4.
Pests and Diseases: Fungi may cause damage to foliage, produce cankers, or cause rot in trunks or roots.

Propagation: Seeds must go through a cold period naturally by over wintering or artificially by storing in moist medium at about 37 F for 90-120 days. Cut trees up to 10” in diameter will sprout prolifically.
Comments: Outstanding ornamental tree offering all season interest with its golden autumn foliage, shaggy bark, and edible nuts.