Native to southern Europe and the Middle East, this deciduous flowering shrub grows on dry rocky slopes, wood, margins and thickets and is a member of a small family,  Styracaceae.  The shrub grows up to 16′ tall and has felted young shoots, leaves, and young flower stalks.  The stems are reddish and carry widely spaced eliptical to oval or round leaves  that are 2-4″ long  and have a small light green axillary bud.   Loose cluster of 3-8 axillary, bell-shaped, white flowers appear from spring to early summer.  The flowers are fragrant, 3/4″ long,  and have 5-7 petals surrounding numerous yellow anthers.  The plants have been known from ancient times for the fragrant exude of wounded stems, stacte,  that was used for incense, perfume, and medicine.  The genus name, Styrax, was the classical Greek name derived from a Semitic name for these resin producing plants. The specific epithet, officinalis, is the Latin word meaning belonging to an officina, the storeroom of a monastery, where medicines and other necessaries were kept, and refers to the medicinal use of the plant.

Type: Deciduous flowering shrub

Outstanding Feature: Flowers, resin


Growth Rate: Moderate

Bloom: White, bell-shaped fragrant flowers from spring to early summer

Size: 6-16′ H x 4-12′ W

Light: Full sun to part shade

Soil: Organically rich, medium moist, well-drained, acidic

Hardiness: Zones 9-10

Care: Prune in winter to shape.

Pests and Diseases: None of significance

Propagation: Seed or cuttings

Photo Credits: Wikipedia

By Karen