Native to the European Alps, this evergreen herbaceous perennial is a member of the mustard family, Brassicaceae, that also includes cabbage, alyssum, and stock. The tufted compact plants grow 1-6″ tall and have lanceolate, gray-green toothed leaves. From spring until summer, elongated clusters of pale yellow slightly fragrant flowers appear. This species of Erysimum is more perennial than other members of the genus and is valued for borders as well as rock, scree, wall, alpine, and container gardens. The genus name, Erysimum, is from the Greek word eryo meaning to drag . The specific epithet, pumilium, is the Latin word meaning dwarf and refers to the size of the plant.
Type: Evergreen herbaceous perennial
Bloom: Pale yellow flowers from spring to summer
Size: 1-4″ H x 6″ W
Light: Full to partial sun
Soil: Average, medium moist to dry, well-drained, alkaline
Hardiness: Zones 4-7
Care: Low maintenance
Pests and Diseases: None of significance
Propagation: Seed, terminal stem cuttings from emergence to mid summer, division in fall
Companion Plants: Blue fescue ‘Elijah Blue’, rock rose (Helianthemum), Aubrieta
Outstanding Selections: None available
Photo Credit: Wikipedia