Shurbs that bloom in the spring are always a big asset but when they have foliage as gorgeous as variegated weigela, they rise to the top of my list. The leaves of this deciduous shrub may be green with either white or yellow variegation and look especially good with chartreuse flowers that echo the colors in the leaves. The clusters of tubular rose-pink flowers appear on last year’s growth and attract hummingbirds and bees. Lovely in shrub or mixed borders.
Type: Deciduous shrub.
Outstanding Feature: Pink flowers; variegated leaves.
Form: Vase shape.
Growth Rage: Moderate.
Bloom: Spring to early summer.
Size: 4-6’ H x to 6’ W.
Light: Full sun to part sun especially in South.
Soil: Deep, rich, moist but well drained soil preferred but tolerates less; neutral to slightly acidic.
Fertilizer: Apply all-purpose fertilizer in spring.
Hardiness: Zones 5-8.
Care: Remove about 1/3 of oldest branches at base every 3 years. Prune branches soon after flowering to avoid removing next year’s buds.
Pests and Diseases: Japanese beetles; nematodes, scale, verticillium wilt may occur.
Propagation: Layering in spring or autumn; softwood cuttings in early summer.
Companion plants: Lady’s Mantel, light colored iris, Armeria, Dianthus, lilac, hydrangea, butterfly bush.
Outstanding selections: ‘Nana Variegata’ (compact, densely-rounded; 3’ H x 3-4’ W.

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