The bright yellow flowers of Winter Aconite stand out against the bare soil or the winter snow in late winter to early spring, a great reminder that spring really is coming. The low growing plants look wonderful in rock gardens or planted in drifts in woodlands where they naturalize easily especially in alkaline soil. This is a great selection for a place near the house where you can enjoy its early bloom time.
Type: Tuber.
Bloom: Buttercup-shaped, yellow, 1” flowers appear in late winter to early spring.
Size: 3-8” H x 6-12” W.
Light: Full sun to light shade.
Soil: Humus rich, fertile, moist, well drained soil; tolerates dryness during summer dormancy.
Hardiness: Zones 4-8.
Care: Soak tubers over night before planting in fall with the base of the tubers 2-3” deep, 4 “ apart.
Pests and Diseases: Susceptible to smut, slugs, and snails.
Propagation: Division of clumps after blooming; seeds in spring.
Companion plants: Snowdrops (Galanthus nivalis)
Outstanding Selections: “Guinea Gold (large flowers, bronze-tinted foliage); ‘Flora Plena’ (double flowered)
Comments: Resent being transplanted but naturalizse readily. All parts of the plant are poisonous.; deer and rabbit resistant.