When the weather is cold and bleak the attractive arching green stems of winter jasmine promise one of the first harbingers of spring; bright yellow flowers borne about a month before forsythia. A native of northern China, winter jasmine is a very versatile plant that can be grown as a ground cover, on a trellis or wall, cascading down a slope, or as a bonsai. When the glossy green leaves appear after the flowers, the plant adds a fine texture to the garden.
Type: Deciduous shrub.
Outstanding Feature: Yellow flowers in winter to early spring.
Form: Mound.
Growth Rate: Rapid.
Bloom: Bright yellow funnel-shaped flowers 1” wide in winter to early spring.
Size: 6-15’ H x 6-10’ W.
Light: Full sun to partial shade but blooms best in full sun; does poorly against an east-facing wall.
Soil: Prefers moist, well-drained sandy loam but tolerates much less.
Hardiness: Zones 6-9.
Care: Prune to shape after flowering; cut back to 18-14” to rejuvenate.
Pests and Diseases: No serious problems but susceptible to root rot, fungal and bacterial spots, a variety of viruses, aphids, scale insects, Japanese beetles and mealy bugs.
Propagation: Cuttings any time but semi-ripe cuttings in summer or layering in autumn is most effective. Plants may also be grown from seed or division of clumps.
Interesting Selections: ‘Aureum’ (yellow blotches on leaves; ‘Nanum’ (slow growing, dwarf)
Comments: Moderately drought tolerant.