Buddleja Weyerina Sungold 2B. weyeriana ‘Sungold’ is the result of a cross between the familiar B. davidii and B. globosa ‘Orange Ball’. It has long arching branches with gra-white stems that bear eight inch long mid-green, lancelolate leaves. The fragrant flowers are yellow to orange and are borne in rounded terminal panicles up to twelve inches long from summer into autumn.

Buddleja weyeriana-Sungold flType:
Deciduous shrub

Outstanding Feature: Flowers

Form: Dense mound

Growth Rate: Rapid

Bloom: Terminal panicles of yellow o orange panicles up to twelve inches long from summer into fall

Size: 13’ H x 10’ W

Light: Full sun

Soil: Fertile, moist, well-drained

Hardiness: Zones 7-9

Care: Prune in spring to within an inch or two of the older wood. Old shrubs can be cut back into the old wood.

Pests and Diseases: Susceptible to aphids, leaf and bud eelworms, capsid bug, caterpillars

Propagation: Softwood cuttings in spring, semi-harwood cuttings in summer, hardwood cuttings in late autumn

By Karen