Corydalis is not the most conspicuous plant in the garden but it is one of the most welcome. How many plants bloom from spring to fall and have attractive foliage? Not many but this is one that does. The small-spurred yellow flowers are borne in clusters at the top of wiry stems above pale blue-green fern like foliage. Its most endearing quality is its propensity to appear anywhere in the garden. It went from a shade garden in the front of my house to a location under a bench in my back yard garden. It is well known for its self-seeding habits and has ants to thank for its wide spread distribution as they carry the seed everywhere including to cracks in walls.
Type: Herbaceous perennial.
Bloom: Tubular yellow flowers, 2/3″-3/4″ long, from late spring to early fall.
Size: 12-15” H x 12-15” W.
Light: Full shade to full sun (with adequate moisture)
Soil: Rich, moist, well-drained soil. Tolerates soils with basic pH.
Hardiness: Zones 3-8.
Care: No special needs.
Pests and Diseases: None of importance.
Propagation: Collect seeds and sow immediately as they must be fresh. Plants may also be divided in spring or fall.
Companion plants: Under-plant with grape hyacinths; Jacob’s Ladder (Polemonium reptans); small-medium sized hostas.
Comments: Similar to fern leaf bleeding heart to which it is related. Deer and rabbit resistant.

I used to have it in the garden but it seems to have disappeared. As you say – if there was a small crack somewhere this plant would grow in it!
I am in the same situation. I took a couple of plants from Maryland to North Carolina, they grew one year in a pot while we put in the garden, and then it disappeared never to be seen again. I am on the look out for a new plant but they are not common here.
Self-sown in my hot and humid garden, it blooms with daffodils in March and dies to the ground when hot weather comes.
Nell Jean,
Bummer, but does it arise like a phoenix the next year?