Mia Mayhem (aka Mia Macarooney) is an eight-year old superhero who attends Normal Elementay School, but then goes to a Program for In Training Superheroes, (aka Pits) after school. One day at Pits, Professor Rose Vine, presents a mega-botany class and gives all the trainees, including Mia, a botany kit with a flowerpot and a packet of superseeds. The assignment was to plant the seeds and care for the plant which Professor Rose Vine would bloom in one week. With the unwanted help of her cat, Chaos, Mia plants her seeds and finds all sorts of problem result as the plant grows, becomes rambunctious, and inspires other plants to do the same. In the end Mia’s plant becomes her ally in restoring the peace.
The book is written to interest children ages 4-8, and has a considerable amount of text on every page with vivid black and white illustrations that capture the energy and excitement of the characters. The chapters are short, the font very readable, and the vocabulary simple enough that children 6 and up may be able read the book for themselves. The fast moving plot is fanciful and offers young readers an awareness of subjects outside their usual reading experience.
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