Book Review: It’s Spring!
Linda Glaser’s book, It’s Spring!, celebrates the spring as seen through the eyes of a young boy. Written in the first person, the book explores the sensory delights that spring…
Linda Glaser’s book, It’s Spring!, celebrates the spring as seen through the eyes of a young boy. Written in the first person, the book explores the sensory delights that spring…
In her book Singing Crickets, author Linda Glaser introduces readers to the life cycle of field crickets. She begins when Papa cricket rubs his musical wings to attract Mama cricket…
With her book, It’s Winter, author Linda Glaser shares her enjoyment of winter through the eyes of a young girl as she catches a snowflake on her tongue, sinks her…
Gail Gibbon’s book, The Vegetables We Eat, is both an introduction to the different kinds of vegetables and a mini botany lesson. Gibbons begins with the concepts of perennials and…
In her delightful book, Farming, Gail Gibbons explores the activities that take place throughout the year on an old fashioned, idealized, family-owned, small farm probably in the Northeast. The farmer…
Linda Glaser’s book, Fabulous Frogs, introduces young readers to the life cycle, behavior, and appearance of frogs in general with a focus on leopard frogs, spring peepers, and bull frogs.…
Eric Carle’s book, The Grouchy Ladybug, tells the story of an ill-tempered ladybug who doesn’t like to share and challenges 13 other animals to a fight. The animals range in…
Lucy Cousins’ Peck, Peck, Peck is a delightful tale of young woodpecker whose daddy teaches him to peck and takes off to peck with all the enthusiasm of any youngster…
Nicoletta Costa’s book, The Little Tree That Would Not Share, tells the story of young tree living in a city that takes great delight in his new leaves as they…
Written for children in grades 1 and 2, Camilla de la Bedoyere’s book From Seed to Sunflower describes the life cycle of the sunflower plant from seed to flowering plant…