Plant Profile: Winecup (Callirhoe involucrate)
Also known as purple poppy mallow, wine cup is a herbaceous perennial native to much of central US where it grows in medium dry soils along roadsides, on hillsides, and…
Also known as purple poppy mallow, wine cup is a herbaceous perennial native to much of central US where it grows in medium dry soils along roadsides, on hillsides, and…
This evergreen herbaceous perennial, also known as arrow-leaf wild ginger, is native to dry to mesic woodlands and forests of southeastern US and is a member of the pipevine family,…
Also known as African bluebell, this deciduous clump-forming perennial is native to South Africa where it grows in the moist soils of grasslands, slopes, valley bottoms and cliffs. It is…
Native to mountain woodlands of northern Africa, this evergreen herbaceous perennial is a member of the barberry family, Berberidaceae, that also includes nandina, mahonia, and twinleaf. It grows up to…
Native to the woodlands of Europe, Turkey and the Caucasus, this bushy evergreen herbaceous perennial is a member of the spurge family, Euphorbaceae, that also includes rubber plant, croton, and…
Also called myrtle and the Virgin flower this perennial evergreen vine is a member of the dogbane family, Apocynaceae, that also includes milkweed, oleander, and bluestar. It is native from…
Native to the cliffs,hills and alpine areas of Arizona and New Mexico, this evergreen herbaceous perennial is a member of the saxifrage family, Saxifagaceae, that also include tiarella, bergenia, and…
Also known as zebra aloe, this evergreen succulent perennial is native to southern and eastern South Africa, and south-eastern Botswana and Zimbabwe where it grows in a variety of habitats…
Also known as Bethelehem sage, Virgin Mary’s milkdrops and Mary’s milk sile, this herbaceous perennial is native to France and Italy and is member of the borage family, Borageacea, that…
Native to woodlands in colder parts of Europe and Asia, this herbaceous perennial grows 6-12″ tall from a rhizomatous root system and often form large colonies. Each plant has one…