Plant Profile: Grape Leaf Anemone (Anemone vitifolia)
Native to Asia, this herbaceous perennial is a member of the buttercup family, Ranunculaceae, that also includes delphinium, clematis, and hellebore. It grows 3-4′ tall and forms a clump of…
Native to Asia, this herbaceous perennial is a member of the buttercup family, Ranunculaceae, that also includes delphinium, clematis, and hellebore. It grows 3-4′ tall and forms a clump of…
Also called anthora, yellow helmet flower, hanging wolfsbane, and healing wolfsbane, this evergreen herbaceous perennial is a member of the buttercup family, Ranunculaceae, that also includes delphinium, anemone, and hellebore.…
This evergreen herbaceous perennial, also known as arrow-leaf wild ginger, is native to dry to mesic woodlands and forests of southeastern US and is a member of the pipevine family,…
Native to mountain woodlands of northern Africa, this evergreen herbaceous perennial is a member of the barberry family, Berberidaceae, that also includes nandina, mahonia, and twinleaf. It grows up to…
Also known as pale dogwood, swamp dogwood, red willow, silky cornel, kinnikinnick, and squawbush this deciduous shrub is native to parts of Canada and eastern and central US, from Vermont…
Also known as Canadian hemlock, this coniferous tree is native to eastern North America and is a member of the pine family, Pinaceae, that also includes cedar and spruce. The…
Also known as eagle fern, bracken fern is a herbaceous perennial and a member of the Dennstaedtiaceae family that includes 10 genera and 240 species of ferns. It is one…
This deciduous shrub was first found in 2004 in coastal Mississippi where it was growing under a canopy of pine and mixed deciduous hardwoods in shallow flat-bottomed ravines and on…
Also known as bush pepper, common white alder, nana, and pink spire, this deciduous shrub or small tree is native to woodlands and mountains of Central China and is a…
This deciduous shrub or small tree is native to the open mountain forests of southern China, Japan and Korea and is a member of the small plant family, Clethraceae, and…