Plant Profile: Shrubby Deer Vetch (Lotus rigidus)
Also known as wiry lotus, broom bird’s-foot trefoil, and desert rockpea, this twiggy perennial is a subshrub native to southwestern US and Mexico from Utah and California, south to northwestern…
Also known as wiry lotus, broom bird’s-foot trefoil, and desert rockpea, this twiggy perennial is a subshrub native to southwestern US and Mexico from Utah and California, south to northwestern…
Horsefly weed is a shrubby herbaceous perennial native to eastern US from Maine to Minnesota south to Georgia and Iowa where it grows in dry meadows, fields and open woodlands.…
Lewisias are herbaceous perennials native to north facing cliffs in western North America. They are members of the Montiaceae, a family that also includes Claytonia and purslanes. This cultivar is…
Dames rocket is a biennial or short-lived perennial known by a variety of names including dame’s violet, mother of the evening, and sweet rocket. It was introduced from Eurasia into…
American senna is a herbaceous perennial native to eastern US from Michigan and Maine through the Appalachians and Atlantic plains south to Georgia where it grows in moist open woodlands,…
Also known as broom twinberry, this subshrub is native to the northern Mexico and southwestern US from Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, and California to Colorado where it grows in deserts…
Long bracted wild indigo is a long lived herbaceous perennial and a member of the pea family, Fabaceae, that also includes mimosa, lupine and black locust. It is native to…
Yellow wild indigo is a herbaceous perennial native to south-central US from Missouri south to Alabama, and west to Louisiana, Oklahoma and Texas where it grows in prairies, meadows and…
This herbaceous perennial is native to Eastern US from Pennsylvania west to Illinois and south to include Maryland, Tennessee and West Virginia, Kentucky and Alabama where it grows in moist…
Hoary blackfoot is a herbaceous perennial or subshrub native to Texas. Arkansas, and Colorado where it grows in open sites on sand, gravel, loam, or clay limstone soils. It is…