This dynamic combination pairs two herbaceous perennials that have both outstanding flowers and foliage. The variegated foliage of ox-eye ‘Loraine Sunshine’ and purple foliage of stonecrop ‘Purple Emperor’ provide color and contrasting texture early in the season. The flower buds of stonecrop ‘Purple Emperor’ quickly add more color and texture as they develop into compact flowerheads that open in late summer and last into fall. Ox-eye ‘Loraine Sunshine’ joins the display in mid-summer with daisy-like blooms that continue until frost. Both plants attract butterflies. They grow best with full sun in dry to medium moist, well-drained soil and tolerate low fertility as well as drought.
Stonecrop (Sedum) ‘Purple Emperor’
With thick, fleshy, succulent purple leaves combined with purple stems and pinkish purple flowerheads, stonecrop ‘Purple Emperor’ provides a lot of color in the garden over a long growing season. The flat flower heads are three to six inches across and made up of many small star-shaped flowers. Plants form attractive upright to slightly spreading clumps that can also be used in containers.
Bloom Time: Late summer to early fall
Size: 12-18” H x 12-18” W
Hardiness: Zones 3-7
Ox-Eye (Heliopsis) ‘Loraine Sunshine’
Noted especially for its variegated foliage, ox-eye ‘Loraine Sunshine’ produces yellow daisy-like flowers two the three inches across. The leaves are white with green veining that gets darker as the season progresses. The plants form attractive upright clumps with stiff stems and seldom need staking if grown in full sun. Deadhead to prolong the bloom season.
Bloom Time: Mid Summer to frost
Size: 24-30” H x 12-18” W
Hardiness: Zones 3-9.