Here is information on two roses with ‘Thanksgiving’ in their name.
Type: Hybrid tea
Origin: US, 1962
Color: Orange blend
Flower Size: Small to medium
Bloom Form: Flat to cupped
Petal Count: 38
Scent: None
Plant Size: Tall
ARS: 6.4
‘Thanksgiving Rose’
Type: Hybrid tea
Origin: Germany, 2009
Color: Apricot with copper shading and lighter outer petals
Bloom Form: Cupped
Petal Count: Very full (41+)
Scent: Moderate
Plant Size: 4-5’ H
ARS: Being tested
Comments: Prickly
If these roses are too hard to find you might try ‘Tropicana’ or ‘Livin Easy’ if you live in a warm climate where roses bloom into Novemember. ‘Tropicana (aka ‘Super Star’) is a hybrid tea with large, perfectly shaped, very strongly scented flowers. It is not only a long lasting cut rose, but also prized for exhibitions and as a garden performer. ‘Livin Easy’ is an easy to grow floribunda with pale orange or dark apricot fragrant flowers borne in clusters of 7-5. These two don’t have ‘Thanksgiving’ in their name but their color and fragrance will add something special to a Thanksgiving bouquet as well as to your garden.