
The wood blewit is native to Europe and North America where it is found mostly in autumn growing in the leaf and needle litter of deciduous and coniferous woodlands. It usually appears in groups or fairy rings and is 2.5 to 4.5 inches tall with a cap 2-6 inches across. The cap emerges violet-brown and bun-shaped but lightens and becomes convex then flattens with age. It has a smooth surface, giving rise to the specific epithet, nuda. The gills are violet, crowded, and sinuate. The stem has a club-shaped base, firm marbled lilac-blue flesh, and a fibillose surface. The spores are pale lilac gray.

The wood blewit is considered a choice edible mushroom and is cultivated in several countries in Europe. It has tender flesh and a spicy flavor and fragrance, although some people find the taste strong and sharp. In addition, wood blewit can cause indigestion in some people especially when eaten raw. The stem should be removed and the caps blanched if too strong in flavor. They can then be preserved in olive oil or white vinegar, sautéed in butter, deep fried, stewed, or used in sauces with a varity of foods including fish, meat, pasta, and rice. Because of its strong flavor wood blewit is especially good when paired with onions or leeks.

Wood blewit has some poisonous look-alikes so seek expert advice on identification before eating.

Photo Credit: By Dan Molter (shroomydan) – Clitocybe nuda (Fr.) H.E. Bigelow & A.H. Sm. (60302), CC BY-SA 3.0,

By Karen